#BLUEUP and wear Blue for World Day of Bullying Prevention
Today's Challenge:
Say hello or pay a compliment to a student you don't know!
Tuesday, October 3rd
Silly Socks! Take steps toward kindness by wearing your silliest socks.
Tie Dye for Peace! Wear your tie-dye today in celebration of spreading peace.
Today's Challenge:
Spread kindness and peace today by smiling at someone or performing a kind deed.
Wednesday, October 4th
Be A Hero, Not A Villain! Dress like a superhero and wear a superhero shirt.
Crazy Sock Day! Sock it to Bullying today with your craziest socks.
Today's Challenge:
Look for ways to help someone in need. Say thank you to the people that help make our schools great -- custodians, secretaries, bus drivers, counselors, nurses, teachers, principals -- and more!
Thursday, October 5th
Elementary & Secondary:
Stand Against Bullying! Wear your school colors and spirit wear to show your school unity.
Today's Challenge:
Be a team player and do something that is helpful for somebody today.