Transportation Procedures
Transportation Procedures
Assigned Bus Stops
Parents and guardians are reminded that students are assigned to a specific bus and a specific bus stop. Drivers are not authorized to move bus stops. Your bus driver is not authorized to pick up or drop off students at other bus stops or other locations at any time.
Temporary Student Boarding
Vacation and work travel do not fall under the provisions for the issuance of an Emergency or a Temporary Boarding Pass. The majority of our buses carry a full load of students. When your child stays with another family, the host family is agreeing to transport your child to and from school.
School Boarding Policy
Preschool and Kindergarten students must be met at the bus stop by a parent/guardian/responsible adult or responsible older sibling. If no parent is available after a series of attempts to drop off, the driver will contact the school and transportation office and the child will be returned to school. All special needs students are to be met by a parent/guardian/responsible adult or responsible sibling unless prior arrangements have been documented.
School Board Policy on Audio & Video Recordings on School Vehicles
Video cameras are in use on Millville Public Schools school buses in order to ensure that students can be transported in as safe an environment as possible. Administration may use the videos to determine appropriate discipline for inappropriate actions. Due to The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), federal law prohibits parents and guardians from viewing video tapes. Administration may view the incident on tape with the student involved in order to determine disciplinary action.